Cybersol is a cyberpunk-themed Solitaire game written in Scheme (and JavaScript) for the Autumn Lisp Game Jam 2023 using the Guile Hoot toolchain.

IMPORTANT: This game requires a dev version of Firefox Nightly or Chrome Unstable to run properly because it depends on bleeding-edge WebAssembly features.

Basic Klondike Solitaire game mechanics are currently implemented.  The game is controlled solely using the keyboard.

Key bindings:

- A, S, D, F, J, K L: Select a card from one of the 7 piles on the table.  Press the same key multiple times to select a higher card in the stack
- U, I, O, P: Select a card on one of the 4 foundation stacks at the top or select it as a movement target
- G: Draw a new card from the stock
- H: Select the stock card that is facing up
- ; (Semicolon): Clear the current selection

To move a card, first press one of the keys relating to the card source position and then press the key for the destination location.  If the move is valid, the card will be moved, otherwise the selection will be cleared.

Win/lose mechanics are not fully implemented at this time, but you can at least play the game all the way through!  To start a new game, you should refresh the browser.  A "New Game" option will be added in a later build of the game.

You can find the source code to the game on Codeberg:

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